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Marketing Tool
for Venues

Boost your venue
How it works
Set up our Wi-Fi router
Integration of the Free Wi-Fi portal with your brand as well as social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, SMS, and so on.
Know your customers
Our experts, possessing at least 5 years of legal experiences, apply a sound knowledge and practical skills to do their best.
Surprise customers with extra offers
Let your target auditory has an access to the latest news of the place. Moreover, have an opportunity of sending an invitation for celebrating important events such as birthday parties or anniversaries.
Customers feedback
Get in touch with your customers through social networks by reading reviews.
Increase customer returns
Use our service to keep and enlarge your existing client base.
Create a stronger online presence
Improve your online visibility by having more likes and reviews with the help of social network resources (Tripadvisor, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakte, LinkedIn). After all bigger audience erodes bigger profits.
About us
Our Marketing Tool is designed for demonstration of an effective approach to develop offline businesses. Constantly transforming Social Wi-Fi Marketing implies foremost interaction with clients which makes it relatively affordable comparing to other means of ads. Therefore, it will become as a widely acceptable solution to hotels, restaurants, bars, beauty salons, clinics and other kinds of SME.

Our satisfied customers
Restaurants, clubs, cafes, bars, festivals, open-airs, museums, and so on.
Packages Choose one of our packages, reflecting your venue's demands
for 2 weeks period
for small venues
Business +
for large venues
for all venues
Our contacts
We are looking forward to giving a complete information about our service.
VIP L.E.O., s.r.o.,
V doline 1515/1c,
Prague 10 - Michle,
PSС 10100,
Tel: +420 775 166 030
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